Estate of Donna Bushell Donates $50,000 for 'Emergency Disaster Services Canteen Vehicle'

Estate of Donna Bushell Donates $50,000 for 'Emergency Disaster Services Canteen Vehicle'

Photo: Emily Stage and Andrew Gunn of Andrew Gunn Consulting Inc and young & free press met recently with Captain Nyree Bond of The Salvation Army to highlight a donation of $50,000 from the Estate of Donna Bushell to the Salvation Army for the purchase of a new ‘Emergency Disaster Services Canteen Vehicle.’

The Estate of Donna Bushell has provided $50,000 toward the purchase of a new ‘Mobile Canteen’ for the Salvation Army. Serving St. Thomas and Elgin County, the specially-equipped vehicle will provide support to first responders during emergencies and disasters, as well as outreach for homeless and marginalized individuals. The expectation is that the vehicle will arrive and be in-use by spring 2021. 

While the Salvation Army owns and operates Mobile Canteens in many other communities, this vehicle will be the first one purchased specifically to serve St. Thomas and Elgin County. Interestingly, the history of these vehicles stretches back to World War One when the Salvation Army served soldiers at the front lines by providing food, drinks, and emotional support. 

“The Salvation Army St. Thomas has been serving this community for over 135 years,” remarked Captain Nyree Bond. “We continue to seek innovative ways to offer help to those in need. We are grateful for the generous donation from the Estate of Donna Bushell, which became the impetus for this new program to purchase a mobile canteen to provide food security to our vulnerable population, as well as support our first responders and others in times of emergency. With additional funding received by silent donors, we are thrilled that we can make this dream possible and partner in this way. This new program with a dedicated vehicle will allow us to mobilize to share hope wherever there is hardship and continue to build strength in our community.” 

Beyond our social media work and partnerships with private companies, tourism organizations, and business associations, the teenage staff members at young & free press act as consultants alongside owner Andrew Gunn through his consulting firm, Andrew Gunn Consulting Inc. This gives our young team the opportunity to provide ideas and develop unique community projects! Currently, we are acting as consultants on the Bushell Estate. Donna Bushell passed away in November 2019 in her hundredth year. Over the past seven months, we have taken the lead on announcing more than $2.5M in donations from the Estate. We are thankful to the Salvation Army for adding this new resource to strengthen the Elgin County and St. Thomas community.


Notes on the Salvation Army St. Thomas Citadel

The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and every day in 400 communities across Canada and more than 125 countries around the world. The Salvation Army St. Thomas has been serving Elgin County for over 135 years and continues to be a beacon of hope in the community by offering practical assistance for children and families, often tending to the basic necessities of life by providing food security, shelter assistance and emergency services. When you give to The Salvation Army, you are investing in the future of marginalized and overlooked people in your community.

Notes on The Estate of Donna Bushell

Donna Vera Evans Bushell passed away November 9, 2019, in her hundredth year, the last of her family. Donna’s passion was to plant trees and reminisce about her ancestors and friends while her sister Doris Evans taught music as a church organist. The oldest sister, Thelma Joiner, taught elementary school around Aylmer for forty-five years and researched local North Yarmouth history. All three sisters shared a love of their heritage as descendants of the pioneer Westlake, Penhale and Gilbert families who settled along the North Edgeware Road in Yarmouth. Their collected historical papers will eventually be deposited in the Elgin County Archives. More than $2.5M has been allocated from the Estate to date in support of a series of exciting projects in Elgin County and St. Thomas.

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